Bellavista Ranch Zoning Explained
LIA B6 20 Z, F1 F2 MR RC50/25 RC200/100 SR VOH is the zoning for the Bellavista Ranch.
The line of text and numbers above contains 11 separate guidelines and rules that affect this property. I explain them below and include links to the official text.
LIA B6 20 Z
This is the base zoning. LIA is the acronym for Land Intensive Agriculture, a designation to enhance and protect lands best suited for permanent agricultural use and capable of relatively high production per acre of land.
B6 The adopted zoning maps shall specify the maximum permitted density, determined by gross acreage for all residential uses. Minimum front, side and rear yard requirements and the minimum parcel or lot size, if not otherwise specified, shall conform to the base district with which the B6 district is combined unless specifically approved otherwise by the planning commission.
20 acres is the minimum lot size,
Z Accessory Dwelling Unit Exclusion Combining District is simple. This combining district excludes an Accessory Dwelling Unit.
F1 Floodway Combining District. This is for the portion of the land that feels the force of the flood waters when the Russian River is high.
F2 Floodplain Combining District. This is where the 100 year (or more frequent these days) flood waters may rise, but without the force of moving water that are part of the F1 District
MR Mineral Resource Combining District is to conserve and protect land that is necessary for future mineral resource production. In this case it is sand and gravel mined from the Russian River. There has been a permit in the past, but environmental constraints make it an expensive proposition. Talk to Sonoma County for more details.
RC50/25 Riparian Corridor Combining Zone. The difference between this zone and the following is the distance of the setbacks required. Both are to preserve and protect biotic resource communities, including critical habitat areas within and along riparian corridors, for their habitat and environmental value.
RC200/100 Riparian Corridor Combining Zone. See above and the link
SR Scenic Resource Combining District is to preserve the visual character and scenic resources of lands in the county and to implement the provisions of Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the general plan open space element
VOH Valley Oak Habitat Combining District is to protect our beautiful valley oaks and valley oak woodlands.
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